  • 期刊


China's Population and Employment: Trends and Outlook




This paper applies economic empirical study methods to investigate China's population and employment growth and predict their future trends. It also adopts various approaches to estimate China's unemployment rate and finds that China's unemployment rate was between 14% and 23% in the mid-1990s. The paper further probes China's urban and rural subpopulations. These sectoral analyses provide essential knowledge concerning China's labor force growth and urbanization rate, information that is imperative for predicting China's future long-term economic growth. Results show that China's population will keep growing, at a decelerating rate, until the early 2040s to a maximum of about 1.6 billion. China's labor force growth will slow, however, at an even faster rate than that of population growth. It would diminish to rates lower than population growth in the late 2010s and will become negative before 2025. This indicates that China will probably experience 20 years of ”a diminishing workforce producing for an escalating population” from the early 2020s to at least the middle of the 2040s. How to raise China's macroeconomic productivity is then imperative issue for to China's future sustained economic growth.


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