  • 期刊

Glucose Transporter Type 4 Redistribution on the Membrane Induced by Insulin through Akt in Hydrocortisone Treatment in Rat Skeletal Muscles


Hydrocortisone is a growth hormone frequently used in the treatment of low back pain. Hydrocortisone treatment has an anti-inflammation effect, which also inactivates glucose transporter type 4 (GLUT4) by p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) inhibition. Translocation of GLUT4 regulates body glucose homeostasis and muscle repair and is induced by insulin. In this study, 56 SD rats were divided into seven groups, and were treated with insulin or hydrocortisone in sedentary or exercise training groups. The muscle proteins and biochemical blood parameters were analyzed after 7 days of treatments. The results showed that the serum glucose increased in hydrocortisone treatment accompanied by GLUT4 inactivation in both the sedentary and exercise training rats. In the exercise training groups, GLUT4 was redistributed on the plasma membrane on co-treatment with insulin and hydrocortisone through Akt phosphorylation. Insulin treatment exerted a compensatory feedback effect on the GLUT4 translocation on hydrocortisone co-treatment, which was the cause of GLUT4 inactivation.


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