  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess

Design and Implementation of Microsatellite Telemetry, Tracking and Command (TT&C) Subsystem


The paper describes the design, fabrication, and test of telemetry, tracking and command (TT & C) subsystem on the microsatellite CKUTEX (Cheng Kung University Technology EXperimental satellite). The objective is to implement a communication subsystem indigenously for the application to self-reliant microsatellite. The subsystem design, circuit fabrication, test, as well as software development are performed to be compliant with the CKUTEX communication requirements. The TT&C subsystem consists of beacon broadcasting circuit, telemetry circuit, and telecommand circuit. The beacon broadcasts with Morse code for the ground station around the world for the tracking of the CKUTEX. In contrast, the telecommand and telemetry are accessed by the CKUTEX team for mission operation and control. The onboard TT&C module is controlled through a microprocessor for mode transition, frequency synthesis, data processing, and communication interface with other subsystems. The overall subsystem is integrated and verified through the end-to-end test.
