  • 期刊

Is the Current Iodine Content in Edible Salt Appropriate for Eliminating Iodine Deficiency in China



目的:本文采用现场干预实验设计,研究食用不同浓度碘盐的志愿者的尿碘水平,评价目前的食盐加碘量是否适宜,以及如何调整加碘量以达到既控制碘缺乏病又避免碘过量。方法:399户城市和农村志愿者家庭,共1,099人参加了该现场实验。现场实验前检测食盐含碘量及参加者的尿碘含量。将参加家户随机分成四个组,分别提供含碘量为6±2 mg/kg、15±2 mg/kg、24±2 mg/kg及34±2 mg/kg的碘盐。干预后第27天开始,连续5天采集所有参加者尿样,检测尿碘含量。结果:干预前,城市组和农村组居民尿碘中位数分别为294 μg/L與509 μg/L;干预后,各組参加者的尿碘均显著下降。干预后第28天,城市4个组的尿碘中位数分别为97.2 μg/L、199 μg/L、249 μg/L與331 μg/L;农村4组的尿碘中位数分别为101 μg/L、193 μg/L、246 μg/L與308 μg/L。结论:本研究显示按照目前的食盐加碘量,居民碘摄入量呈轻度偏高趋势。


Objective: This study was designed to measure the urinary iodine excretion of volunteers who daily consumed iodized salt and to evaluate whether the current iodine content in salt is appropriate. A field trial study was then conducted to determine how the salt iodization content should be adjusted, either to prevent iodine deficiency or to avoid excess consumption. Methods: A total of 1,099 volunteers from 399 households from urban and rural regions were selected. The levels of salt iodine and urinary iodine were measured prior to the field trial. All the households were randomly divided into four groups according to different salt iodine concentrations: group A, 6±2 mg/kg; group B, 15±2 mg/kg, group C, 24±2 mg/kg; and group D, 34±2 mg/kg. The urinary iodine levels of households were determined over five consecutive days, starting on the 27th day after the intervention. Results: Before the intervention, the median urinary iodine excretions for urban and rural residents are 294 μg/L and 509 μg/L, respectively. By contrast, urinary iodine excretion in all groups significantly declined after the intervention. The median excretions of urinary iodine on the 28th day after the intervention for all groups were 97.2 μg/L, 199 μg/L, 249 μg/L and 331 μg/L for urban residents, and 101 μg/L, 193 μg/L, 246 μg/L and 308 μg/L for their rural counterparts, respectively. Conclusions: The trial exhibits a tendency of slightly excessive iodine intake among the households under the currently recommended standard.
