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Advances and gaps in recommendations for adequate water intake in China


Water is essential for life survival and development. Water is involved in metabolic function, modulates normal osmotic pressure, maintains electrolyte balance, and regulates body temperature. Both excessive water and insufficient water have negative effects on health, and adequate water intake is necessary for optimal hydration. Water requirements among people vary based on factors such as sex, age, physical activity, dietary factors, environment temperature, and kidney concentration capacity. In recent years, water intake guidelines have been developed in some countries and organizations. In China, however, it is still necessary to develop specific water intake guidelines due to the specific dietary habits, heights, and other environmental conditions. In 2013, adequate water intake guidelines were developed in China, but the scope was somewhat limited and there are still quite specific challenges in formulating such recommendations. Future water-related studies should focus on surveying water intake in infants and toddlers, older adults, and pregnant and lactating women. Furthermore, more studies on water intake of adults and adolescents in different regions and seasons are required, as are studies on the associations between water intake and related diseases. It is imperative to transform scientific theory into action in water-related health education and can be used to inform and evaluate public health programmes.
