  • 期刊


Teacher Response to Technological Impacts: Deep Learning through Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Innovative Teaching Experiences


本文論述當今學習環境受新興科技更迭影響已是不可擋的趨勢,而推動一般教室邁向未來智慧教室之際,教學現場教師們的投入與經營是相當重要的。因此,在發展的過程中,應引用成熟的模式引導教師拓展專業,此可降低轉換過程不必要的試誤與資源耗費。基於此,本文整理「科技內容教學知識」(technological pedagogical content knowledge, TPACK),作為引導教師整合專業融入科技優勢的參考架構。同時,實務現場可運用「設計為基礎」(design-based)的導入模式,並可因應不同脈絡需求來推動改變,降低快速擴充的資訊科技湧入所形成的一窩蜂,但等到產品熱潮退卻之後,卻又造成資源浪費。最後綜論指出,在環境變遷過程中,教師能開放態度吸收新知,以科學思維為基礎,融通專業與實務經驗並轉化既有經驗,將能逐步發展出因應21世紀教學環境的心智模式,為經營未來智慧教室做好準備。


This paper proposes that the current learning environment wherein emerging technology affects change is an unstoppable trend. Promoting the development of general classrooms toward smart future classrooms is highly dependent on teacher involvement and teaching profession. Thus, in the process of development, a mature framework should be used as a reference to guide teachers to expand their professional development. This may reduce the conversion process of trial and error and the unnecessary consumption of resources. Based on this, we reviewed technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) as a model for guiding teachers to integrate technological advantages into their domain knowledge. At the same time, the practical field uses a design-based model as the import model and can cater to different contexts to promote change. Rushing into rapidly expanding information technology, resulting in a waste of resources, should be avoided; rather, wait until after the product boom subsides. Finally, responding to environmental change, teachers should maintain an open mind to absorb new knowledge, with science-based thinking mediating the professional competence, practical experience, and conversion of their existing experience. This will nurture gradual development of mental models, ready for operating smart future classrooms, in response to the 21st-century teaching and learning environment.


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