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Stakeholders' Feedback and Satisfaction with the Use of the Mini-CEX to Assess Medical Students


目的:迷你臨床演練評量(mini-CEX)自2006年起,在某醫學大學附設醫院中,被使用於評量實習醫學生之臨床技能,本調查嘗試瞭解實施一年後教師與學生的意見與態度。方法:二份無記名問卷分別發給109名學生及148名教師,回收之有效問卷含學生89份及教師66份。結果:76%的教師及56%的學生認為mini-CEX對臨床醫學教育“非常有”或“有幫忙”,反對將mini-CEX成績列入實習總成績的學生,對於mini-CEX抱持較為負面的態度,而且執行的次數較少。學生對教師的教學回饋,有54% 表示滿意,7%不滿意;對教師的評量有45%滿意,9%不滿意;教師對評量人道專業、組織效能與諮商衛教覺得有困難的比例分別為53%,39%,與26%;只有8%的教師覺得評量與回饋皆無困難。結論:與其他國家相同,mini-CEX已被廣泛使用於教學醫院,根據學生與教師的意見將mini-CEX略作修訂,可成為重要的臨床教學與評量之工具。


The mini-clinical evaluation exercise (mini-CEX) has been used to assess the clinical skills of final-year medical students at China Medical University and Hospitals since 2006. In this study, we aimed to examine how students and assessors perceive the mini-CEX as an assessment tool after running it for one year. Anonymously, semi-structured questionnaires were sent to 109 students and 148 assessors in April 2007. In total, 89 students and 66 assessors responded with effective answers. More than 75% of the responding assessors and 56% of the responding students considered the mini-CEX to have been 'very' or 'quite' beneficial in terms of its educational value. It was also found that the respondents who were against the inclusion of the mini-CEX in final score were those who had performed the mini-CEX less frequently. Furthermore, this group also showed more negative feedback. Overall, 48 students (54%) were satisfied with the feedback they received and 45% were satisfied with the evaluation. However, only 8% of the assessors found no difficulty with both the evaluation and feedback. Among the remaining assessors (92%), humanistic qualities/professionalism (53%), organization/efficiency (39%), and counseling skills (26%) were identified as the more difficulty parts of the mini-CEX in practice. As has been the case in other countries, the mini-CEX has been successfully disseminated in Taiwan and is well regarded as a clinical skills teaching tool by teaching hospitals in Taiwan. In the future, however, adjustments could perhaps be made to improve the tool's usefulness by implementing changes based on the feedback provided by students and assessors.


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