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How Should the World Face the Hazards Associated with the Anthropogenic Climate Change





The Earth has experienced an anthropogenic mean temperature increase at an unprecedented rate. Even though the total temperature increase of 0.7℃ over the last hundred years seems to be insignificant, the fast rate bodes for dire consequences in the years to come. International efforts have been mobilized, conferences have been organized, and resolutions have been adopted all aiming to fight the hazards from this anthropogenic climate change. So far, most of the attention has been centered on carbon consumption limitation or capping. As the CO2 already in the atmosphere will stay for 50 years or more; therefore, even if we stop carbon consumption right now, the effect of the past carbon consumption would stay with us for a long period. Consequently, such measure would not be effective. Based on a recent report released by United Nations and World Bank, existing data indicate that though the number of natural disasters might have increased drastic in tandem with the global temperature increase, population growth and economic development, the casualty from those natural disasters has actually decreased over the last century. Reduction of casualty should be the central goal of hazard mitigation, for life is priceless. Thus, the data from the United Nations and the World Bank suggest that the more effective way for fighting the threatening hazards associated with global warming should be sustainable economic development. Only with the economic development can we have the means to fight against the potential hazards. This is especially true for the poor and underdeveloped countries. At the present time, 95% of the casualties from natural disasters come from South Asia and Africa, the poorest regions of the world. To reduce the casualty should be our first priority. Therefore, sustainable development should be the best strategy for us to face the anthropogenic climate change.


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