  • 期刊

東方果實蠅["Bactrocera dorsalis" (Hendel)]乾式餌劑之耐雨及誘效持續性研究

Study on Water Resistance and Persistence of Trapping Effectiveness of an Oriental Fruit Fly Dry-Form Bait


東方果實蠅["Bactrocera dorsalis" (Hendel)]是台灣重要蔬果害蟲。本研究以連續浸水方式模擬下雨情況,測試東方果實蠅乾式餌劑耐雨性及經浸水後對毒效的影響。另將乾式餌劑懸掛於戶外,經不同時間後移回室內,測試其對東方果實蠅之誘殺持效性。試驗結果顯示,東方果實蠅乾式餌劑經浸水8h後尚殘留約50%量的餌劑,且不影響對東方果實蠅毒效。餌劑懸掛於室外8 wk後誘殺效果維持不變。上述試驗證實乾式餌劑具有耐雨及誘效持久之特性,可應用於田間綜合防治東方果實蠅體系中。


The oriental fruit fly, "Bactrocera dorsalis" (Hendel), is a serious pest of many vegetable and fruit crops in Taiwan. This study was conducted to evaluate the water resistance and trapping effectiveness of a dry-form bait to the oriental fruit fly. Studies were conducted by immersing the baits in water or exposing the baits in the outdoors for different periods, testing the residual trapping effectiveness of the baits to the flies. The results showed that residual weights maintained about 50% after 8 h of immersion in water and its trapping effectiveness remained the same for 8 weeks. This suggests that this dry-form bait is promising for incorporation into the fruit fly integrated pest management programs.
