  • 期刊

美國Zagat Survey餐廳評鑑制度對台灣餐飲業發展之啟示

Reflection on the Development of Foodservice Industry in Taiwan-A Perspective of Restaurant Rating System of Zagat Survey


2007年遠見雜誌6月號以顯著的標題-「吃出競爭力,全民打造食尚王國」宣告台灣新「食」代來臨。然而,要提升台灣美食水準,擁有獨特文化與創新品牌是不夠的,如何協助餐飲業者提升服務品質,讓不管是本國或來自國外的每一位食客都能用心地品嚐充滿幸福感的台灣味,相信發展具公信力的餐廳評鑑制度會是實現夢想的重要里程碑。一份具影響力的餐廳評鑑決定著一家餐廳的成敗關鍵,尤其是當這些資訊被那些具代表性的美食評鑑指南所公布時,更促成了餐廳成名一瞬間的效力。不管是法國Michelin Guide或美國Zagat Survey也都曾經歷時間和市場的考驗,層層把關,最後才會使餐廳業者與消費大眾所信服。反觀台灣地區對於餐廳評鑑仍處於尚未成熟之階段,缺乏具公信力的餐廳評鑑制度,鞭策台灣餐飲業更具國際水準。有鑑於此,在台灣與紐約同樣是擁有多元文化與餐廳類型多樣性之特性下,本研究採內容分析法,首先深入瞭解美國紐約Zagat Survey對餐廳評鑑制度的發展與執行情況,以及回顧與分析國內外相關的研究與報導,並比較其與米其林指南對紐約市餐廳評鑑結果的異同,剖析其中能為台灣借鏡之處。最後提出對台灣餐飲業未來在發展餐廳評鑑制度之建議,以及後續研究之方向。


In Global Views June, 2007, an outstanding title-”Eating produces competitive ability, the whole people make a gastronomic kingdom.” declared the arrival of a new ”dining” generation in Taiwan. However owning unique culture and innovative brand is not enough to promote the level of fine dining. In order to assist the restaurateurs to improve service quality to let every domestic or foreign visitor really feel the taste of Taiwan, it's believed that developing a trustful restaurant rating system is an important milestone of realizing the dream. An influential restaurant rating system could determine whether a restaurant would succeed or fail. Especially when the information of a restaurant was announced by the representative restaurant guide, it would contribute to the effect of becoming famous in a flash. No matter Michelin Guide or Zagat Survey, both of them had set up successive checks and experienced the test of time and market. Finally, they were convinced by the restaurateurs and consumers. In Taiwan, the restaurant rating system was still in an immature phase. A trustful restaurant rating system is necessary to strongly urge foodservice industry to be improved to reach international standard. In view of this, like New York City, Taiwan possessed the characteristics of diversified cultures and restaurant types. In this research, Content Analysis was employed. Firstly, the development and implementation of Zagat Survey were explored in depth, and the relevant researches and reports were reviewed and analyzed. Next, with the restaurants of New York City, the similarities and differences of the results of Zagat Survey were compared with Michelin Guide. The strong points were analyzed for Taiwan. Finally, the suggestions for the development of restaurant rating system in Taiwan and future research were discussed.


