  • 期刊


Relationship between Health, Medical Utilization and Domestic Movement




Reasons for migration include resource needs and climate change. Globalization has made migration an important demographic characteristic in the 21st century. However, tracing population movement is difficult and the official household registration from Ministry of the Interior cannot reveal the actual movement of permanent residents. Conversely, more than 99% of Taiwan's residents participate in Taiwan's National Health Insurance (NHI) program, which was implemented in 1995. Previous investigations have found that people tend to have outpatient visits in their living areas for minor illnesses. Therefore, this study applies the medical records from these outpatient visits to study Taiwan's domestic migration of permanent residents. This study explores the relationship between medical usage and domestic migration, based on sample data set LHID2005 from the National Health Insurance Research Database (NHIRD). We found that the NHIRD shows higher migration rates than Taiwan's household registration. Young adults move more frequently than other groups, and most migrants move to nearby municipality and cities. Migrants have higher mortality rates than non-migrants. Those who migrate to cities have less medical utilization but higher medical costs (i.e., more serious conditions), indicating that the migrants are less healthy or require more medical resources. Additionally, the impact of domestic movement is different for men and women, and male migrants have higher mortality rates than female migrants.


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