  • 期刊


Introduction to the Implication of School-Based Management Program Courses on Physical Education


「學校本位管理課程」為教育部提升學生能力之計畫,目的在學校發揮自我管理的精神,運用以學校為中心的資源,提升學生學習能力,增進教師與學校效能。校本管理計畫課程內容以校內實施為主,並結合學生校外身體活動進行發展,透過SPARK (sports, play, active recreation for kids)自我管理計劃的實施及教師系統,促進青少年在校外也能規律的從事身體活動。本文旨在介紹Cardon, Haerens, Verstraete, and De Bourdeaudhuij (2009)校本管理計劃課程,根據SPARK自我管理計畫將課程應用在體育教學的實施,將其實施過程與研究結果,提供本國實施體育教學學校本位課程的借鏡與依據。


Funded by the Ministry of Education, the ”school-based management courses” program was developed to enhance students' ability. In particularly, the main purpose of the program was to facilitate the spirit of self-management, to improve student learning using campus resources, and to enhance teachers' efficacy and the school's operation. School-based management courses were mostly offered on campus and the related courses also combined students' extracurricular physical activities. Through the implementation of the self-management plan SPARK (sports, play, and active recreation for kids) and the teacher's system, adolescents were thereby able to engage in physical activities outside the school. Therefore, this article was intended to introduce Cardon, Haerens, Verstraete, and De Bourdeaudhuij's (2009) school-based management courses. Based on the self-management program SPARK, the courses were applied on the implementation of physical education. Implementation process and research finding were further provided in an attempt to enhance the quality of school-based physical education curriculum.


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