  • 期刊


Optimizing Sports Volunteer Management: Applications of Internal Marketing




人力資源 願景 發展 獎酬


With the gradual increase in the scale of sports-related activities, sports volunteers have become an indispensable human resource, and the cultivation and management of volunteers has become an important issue in today's sports organizations. This article aims to explore the current situation of the development and cultivation of Taiwan's sports volunteer management from the perspective of human resources. It can thus provide a reference for the future development of sports volunteers through the combination of theory and practice. Moreover, this article makes an in-depth analysis and induction from the perspective of internal marketing theories, including the aspects of vision, development, and rewards. Results are as follows: First, in order to enhance the spirit and value of the service, relevant vision strategies should concretely convey the goals and organizational philosophy of sports volunteer activities, so that organizations and volunteers can work in one accord. Second, development strategies should establish a clear division of powers and responsibilities and a multi-directional communications structure, and offer systematic management training; these will aid in follow-up volunteer training and strengthen the stability of the organization. Third, reward strategies should incorporate performance evaluation to give volunteers appropriate feedback and incentives; these will increase their willingness to continue service and contribution in the future. This article suggests that a well-designed, comprehensive internal marketing strategy can strengthen the link between organizations and sports volunteers, make planning and cultivation efforts more systematic, enhance sports volunteers' sense of identification with their organizations, and provide a tightlyfocused organizational vision that fosters enthusiastic service.


human resource vision development rewards


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