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Effects of Exercise Intervention on Recovery of Adipose Tissue Function


長期攝取過多的熱量,人體會將過剩的熱量,轉化成脂質儲存於脂肪細胞中,促使脂肪細胞數量增加且體積變大,產生脂肪細胞代謝超負荷,增加發炎細胞入侵脂肪組織與誘發發炎激素大量分泌,產生代謝發炎現象。體脂肪愈高,入侵脂肪組織的發炎細胞就會愈多,造成發炎脂肪激素分泌量變高,因而引發長期全身性低程度慢性發炎,所謂「代謝發炎」,最後產生肥胖相關之疾病。本文採文獻回顧與描述性分析,利用Google Scholar, PubMed, Medline等學術資料庫,以exercise, obesity, adipose tissue, metabolism等關鍵詞,搜尋2000~2019年之相關研究期刊與文獻。經篩選後找出47篇有關的研究論文,目的是探討運動介入對過重或肥胖者脂肪組織的影響,並恢復正常機能之運作。本文分別就脂肪組織發展、代謝功能、內臟脂肪和皮下脂肪與肥胖相關疾病,以及運動對脂肪激素與脂肪組織功能之影響等方面,進行論述與分析。結果發現,包括有氧運動、肌力訓練合併高強度間歇訓練,會改變脂肪細胞分子表現,諸如某些小分子核醣核酸與基因等,因而改善脂肪細胞功能,同時又可提升心肺適能,進一步恢復體重過重或肥胖者脂肪組織功能,平衡促發炎與抗發炎脂肪激素脂分泌,並可降低體重過重與肥胖之罹患肥胖相關疾病風險。因此,建議對於肥胖相關的健康促進,應著重於增加身體活動與規律運動之養成,並利用運動訓練改善脂肪組織功能,恢復其生理恆定作用,以維護身體健康。至於其他運動訓練方式、強度、時間與次數,是否也有其作用,值得未來進一步探究。


Chronic surplus energy intake causes the human body to store extra energy as lipids in adipocytes through hyperplasia and hypertrophy. This overloads the metabolism and increases the overproduction of inflammatory cytokines and the infiltration of inflammatory cells into adipose tissue. The increasing release of inflammatory adipokines results in chronic low-grade systematic inflammation (meta-inflammation), leading to obesity-related diseases. Following keyword searches in Google Scholar, PubMed, and Medline, this article conducts a literature review and descriptive analysis that examines 47 related articles published between 2000 and 2019. Exploring the effect and normalization of exercise intervention on adipose tissue functions in overweight or obese persons, it examines and discusses metabolic function; the development of adipose tissue, visceral fat, and subcutaneous fat; the risk of obesity-related diseases; and the effect of exercise on adipokines and adipose function. Results confirm that exercise that includes aerobics, combined strength training, and high intensity interval training may change molecular expression (certain microRNA and genes) in adipocytes. Exercise training also improves cardiorespiratory fitness, promotes the function of adipose tissue, restores the homeostasis between pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory adipokines, and reduces the risks of obesity-related diseases. Therefore, we suggest that health promotion for the obese should emphasize regular and increasing physical activity and exercise. Whether other exercise types or changes in the intensity, duration or frequency of exercise also exert these effects is worth further investigation.


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