  • 期刊


Perspectives on Sports and Leisure in the Islamic World




At present, Muslims account for more than a quarter of the world's population. However, misunderstandings persist about the status of sports within Islamic beliefs. Many people mistakenly suppose that Islam prohibits followers from participating in sports and leisure activities. The purpose of this article is to explore relevant perspectives within the Islamic world by examining the traditional Islamic law of the Qur'an and Hadiths, as well as different contemporary Islamic legal schools. Results indicate that Islam encourages Muslims to engage in various activities that are beneficial to health, including running, wrestling, riding, throwing and shooting, and swimming. However, some modern sports and leisure activities are not found in the Qur'an and Hadith norms, sparking differences among religious scholars. Semi-secular or secular Muslim countries are relatively open. The socially conservative Salafist doctrine prevalent in Muslim monarchies and conservative Muslim countries, however, takes modern sports and leisure as an unacceptable invasion of Western culture. Islam draws a line against gambling, consumption of alcoholic beverages, illicit sex, and other activities, leading many Muslim countries to prohibit participation in modern sports and leisure. Nevertheless, under the influence of rapid globalization, the Islamic world is gradually adopting a more open attitude in this area. They strive for international status and promote their political interests by holding international sports events. Furthermore, combining sports and tourism has strengthened those two industries. This article provides new research topics and a deeper understanding of the Islamic world, potentially opening up new business opportunities for Taiwan's sports and leisure industry.


Muslim Qur'an Hadith Islamic law Salafist doctrine


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