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Effect of Fixed Tempo Training on Archery Performance




Since the consistency, stability, and aiming time of archers will all affect their athletic performance, they must undergo professional training to improve their shooting technique. In this respect, motor learning is important. The International Archery Federation shortened the shooting time from 40 seconds to 30 in 2021; therefore, the purpose of this study was to explore the effect of fixed tempo training on aiming time and archery performance. This study recruited 10 college archers, separated into two groups of five (experimental and control group). The experimental group undertook an 8-week fixed tempo course. The control group maintained routine training. Aiming time and archery performance data were collected from pre-test, mid-test, post-test, and follow-up results. The results showed that: (1) There was a significant negative correlation between aiming time and archery performance. (2) The aiming time of the high-scoring archers in the experimental group was significantly faster than that of the low-scoring ones in the pretest and follow-up; for the control group, the aiming time of the high-scoring archers was significantly faster than that of the low-scoring ones at each time point. (3) The archery performance of the experimental group was significantly better than that of the control group in the mid-test, post-test, and follow-up test. In the experimental group, the post-test was significantly better than the pre-test. In addition, it was found that the aiming time of the post-test in the experimental group was faster than that of the pre-test, mid-test, and follow-up test. The follow-up test was significantly faster than the pretest. We conclude that the significant improvement in archery performance in the experimental group after the intervention of fixed rhythm training may be related to the reduction of aiming time, which means that intervention through motor learning courses can be one of the ways to help archers improve their performance.


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