  • 期刊


The Development of Existential Philosophy in East Asian Context: between Japanese Philosophy and Hung Yao-hsün


實存(existentia, Existenz, existence)作為一種哲學概念,在十九世紀的歐洲大為流行。其在東亞中的日本與臺灣,亦跟隨著各自的歷史背景與情境,發展出不同的面貌。實存哲學的出現,意味著探求事物根源及本質的哲學,不再能夠滿足現代人的需求。而對於人在現實生活的存在之關懷,正是作為現代哲學的實存哲學所欲追尋的目標。當歐洲人欲掙脫理性主義的觀念論及實證主義思潮對人的生命之宰制時,自由意志便是他們思想的最後堡壘。相對於此,日本與臺灣的哲學家們亦做出了回應。他們藉由介紹、消化與轉釋實存概念的過程中,將自身生命與熱情融入其中。本論文以實存概念在當代日本的發展為議論的開端,追溯並闡明了此概念經由京都學派哲學家田邊元(Tanabe Hajime, 1885-1962)的介紹與再詮釋後,所呈現出的宗教實存概念之過程。接著在探討臺灣殖民時期哲學家洪耀勳(Hung Yao-hsün, 1902-1986)實存哲學圖像(亦即藝術實存論)與其自身的社會實踐之間關係的同時,探索了其實存哲學論述與日本哲學之間的關聯。藉由以上的考察,最後思考了實存哲學在東亞的發展脈絡及其現代性意義。


A philosophical term or concept, "existence" (existentia or existenz) gained popularity in European philosophy in late 19th century. In Japan and Taiwan in East Asia, such philosophical thinking or, simply, existentialism, had its own development in different philosophers' works. The rise of existential philosophy in Europe indicates that the old form of philosophy that takes to be its goal to explore the very root and essence of the world no longer provided the answers needed by modern man. And what existential philosophy concerns itself with is nothing else but human existence and reality. When European philosophy freed itself from the fetters placed on man from philosophy of reason and that of positivism, they found free will as their last resort. In comparison, the philosophers in Japan and Taiwan made the same move. It was in the process through which they introduced, interpreted and absorbed the existential thinking that they applied the philosophy to their own existence. Taking as the point of departure the spread of existentialism in modern Japan, this paper first traces and outlines how European existential thinking, through the introduction and interpretation of Tanabe Hajime (1885-1962) of Kyoto School of Japan, became associated with religious understanding of existence. The paper will discuss next Hung Yao-hsün (1902-1986), a Taiwanese philosopher during the colonial period. It will bring together into the discussion Hung's theory of artistic existence, his application of his philosophical thinking to society, and the relation his philosophical thinking had with Japanese philosophy. Through its examination, this paper hopes to offer some reflection on the development and significance of existentialism in East Asia.


九鬼周造(1980)。九鬼周造全集。東京=Tokyo:岩波書店=Iwanami Shoten。
田辺元(1963)。田辺元全集。東京=Tokyo:筑摩書房=Chikuma Shob?。
田辺元(1963)。田辺元全集。東京=Tokyo:筑摩書房=Chikuma Shob?。
田辺元(1963)。田辺元全集。東京=Tokyo:筑摩書房=Chikuma Shob?。
田辺元(1963)。田辺元全集。東京=Tokyo:筑摩書房=Chikuma Shob?。
