  • 期刊

Chenia leptophylla(C. Muell.) Zand. (Family Pottiaceae), a Generic and Species Record New to Moss Flora of Taiwan



薄葉陳氏苔(Chenia leptophylla)為台灣產苔類植物新紀錄屬、種,本屬全球共計三種,除了分布於安地斯山的勞倫氏陳氏苔(C. lorentzii)及近透明葉陳氏苔(Csuboblinqua)外,本種廣汎分布於世界各地;有別於牆苔屬(Tortula)植物,本屬具有舌狀葉形及尾狀葉尖、微鋸齒葉緣及平滑的葉細胞壁,薄葉陳氏苔與勞倫氏陳氏苔近緣,兩種皆缺乏莖之中央束,而有別於近透明葉陳氏苔,而上述兩種最大差異在前者有漸尖的葉先及無性繁殖體,另外,與本種近似的叢苔(Pottia truncate)則具有分化的莖中央束,在中肋分化的腹細胞及突出的中肋足以區別。


Chenia leptophylla (C. Muell.) Zand. is reported here as a new generic and species record to the moss flora of Taiwan. In addition to two strictly distributed species in the Andes, i.e., C. lorentzii (C. Muell.) Zand. and C. suboblinqua (Williams) Zand., C leptophylla is the third taxon of this genus with cosmopolitan distribution. Chenia is distinguished easily from Tortula species and characterized by lingulate leaves with somewhat apiculate apex, crenulate leaf margins, and smooth laminal cells. C leptophylla is closely related to C. lorentzii in sharing common stem structure without differentiated central strands, a character that distinguishes them from C. suboblinqua. C. leptophylla is then diagnosable from C. lorentzii by its acute leaf-apex and rhizoid tubers. Pottia truncate (Hedw.) B.S.G., another pottiaceous mosses with epapillose laminal cells, also shares many gametophytic similarities with C. leptophylla except for its differentiated central strand in stem, ventral stereids in costa and excurrent costa.
