  • 期刊

New Species from Vietnam-Hoya lockii (Apocynaceae, Asclepiadoideae)

越南的新種-Hoya lockii(夾竹桃科,蘿藦亞科Apocynaceae, Asclepiadoideae)


本文描述並說明在越南中部的順化省(Thua Thien-Hue Province)所發現的新種Hoya lockii(夾竹桃科,蘿藦亞科)。H. lockii 和與之關係密切的物種H. multiflora Blume進行了形態特徵的比較。Hoya lockii不同於H. multiflora在於除了葉身及副花冠,其他所有的部位均被有柔毛;以及具有白色至乳白色的花冠裂片和先端突尖的副花冠。


The new species Hoya lockii (Apocynaceae, Asclepiadoideae) was discovered in the Thua Thien-Hue Province of central Vietnam and is here described and illustrated. The morphological characters of H. lockii and its closely related species H. multiflora Blume are compared. Hoya lockii differs from H. multiflora in being pubescent in all parts of the plant except for the leaf blade and the corona, as well as in having white-opalescent corolla lobes and mucronate apex of corona lobes.
