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Forest Permanent Plots Survey and Analysis for CO_2 Sequestration in Hepping Working Circle


為瞭解和平事業區之碳貯存量,利用林務局羅東林區管理處所設置之永久樣區資料來進行分析,而樣區資料自2001年新設後,於2006年及2011年進行2次複查工作,取得了3次調查資料,可知道整個事業區蓄積總量、碳及二氧化碳(CO_2)貯存總量之間的變化,以謀森林經營上之施政方針。本研究利用3次調查資料,並分析101個永久樣區分為15種林型,為使數據更精確,利用第1次複查時所得的實測樹高資料以迴歸式得樹高曲線,並回推新設及第2次複查之樹高,再換算成材積後得蓄積量。在10年期間蓄積量變化上,除了樟樹造林有稍降外(-0.26 m^3/ha/yr),餘均呈現上升的趨勢,其中以人工針葉樹混淆林生長情形最好(15.13 m^3/ha/yr)。以2011年永久樣區資料,藉由碳貯存量推估模式進行推估,其碳與CO_2貯存量以天然針闊葉混淆林所得之量為最高(碳為237.21 ton/ha,CO_2為869.75 ton/ha);而從2001年至2011年間的碳與CO_2貯存之增加量則是以人工針葉樹混淆林最大(碳為48.79ton/ha,CO_2為178.88 ton/ha)。為得和平事業區的碳與CO_2貯存總量,將原15種林型合併成10種,以第2次複查資料為依據,經分層取樣計算結果,碳貯存總量約為6,602,000至10,411,184公噸範圍間,而CO_2貯存總量範圍大約在24.2~38.2百萬公噸之間。


To understand the carbon storage at the Heping Working Circle, this study conducted an analysis with the data of the permanent plots established by Luodong Forest District Office of Taiwan Forestry Bureau. These plots were installed in 2001, and then reinvestigated in 2006 and 2011. This data set was analyzed for monitoring the forest dynamics on the total amount of volume, carbon and CO_2 storage that can offer important information for making administrative policies in forest management. This study analyzed a total of 101 permanent plots with three investigations and stratified the plots into 15 forest types. For better accuracy, we obtained a height-diameter curve using regression equation based on the measured tree heights recorded at the first reinvestigation, and estimated the tree heights at the other two investigations, and then acquired the volume stock. Regarding volume stock changed over the 10-year period, all forests had increasing volume stock, except for the camphor tree forest with decreasing volume stock(-0.26 m^3/ha/yr). In particular, the man-made mixed-conifer forest had the best performance in the periodic annual increment (15.13 m^3/ha/yr). The result of the estimated carbon storage in 2011 based on the permanent plots data showed that the natural mixed conifer-hardwood forest had the largest amount of carbon and CO_2 storage(i.e. 237.21 C ton/ha and 869.75 CO_2 ton/ha). From 2001 to 2011, the man-made mixed conifer forest had the largest increase in carbon and CO_2 storage (i.e. 48.78 C ton/ha and 178.88 CO_2 ton/ha). In order to estimate the total carbon and CO_2 storage of the Heping Working Circle, we combined the original 15 forest types into 10 types. Based on the second reinvestigation data and calculated through stratified random sampling, the total carbon storage of the working circle is between 6,602,000 and 10,411,184 tons, and the total CO_2 storage is between 24.2 and 38.2 million tons.


