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Promotions of Taiwan's Ecological Agriculture- A Case Study of Shinnan Tiandong Rice


有鑑於宜蘭縣農舍濫建,破壞水稻田景緻,嚴重影響水鳥棲息,本研究作者之一於壯圍鄉新南村創辦「新南田董米」,以友善水鳥、守護水田為訴求,自產自銷,不僅保護鳥類,亦使農民獲得合理利潤,期望農民透過生態農業達成守護水田的共識。本研究針對新南田董米網路預購者及新南休閒農業區現場遊客進行問卷調查,在統計分析上係採用SPSS 22 軟體,透過差異性分析,比較新南遊客中參加碾米體驗者與未參加碾米體驗者在環境態度構面與環境行為改變意圖構面上之差異,以探討秉持生態農業及綠色旅遊精神創立之新南田董米所設計的相關活動,對遊客的環境態度與環境行為之影響。結果顯示,參加碾米體驗者之購買意願、忠誠度構面及環境行為改變意圖皆顯著高於未參加碾米體驗者,顯示體驗活動對於新南田董米及生態農產品的推動,扮演重要的角色。以羅吉斯廻歸(logistic regression)分析影響遊客購買新南田董米意願之因素研究結果得知,對購買意願有顯著影響的變數包括滿意度、推薦意願及重遊意願、所得、參加環保團體、賞鳥經驗等六項;至於重視米口感程度、栽培過程不用農藥認同度、價格平價的認同度、包裝精緻與否認同程度、新南田董米支持程度、性別、年齡、學歷、參加社團投入的程度、賞鳥活動的投入程度,皆無顯著差異。以上研究結果可提供新南田董米後續發展之建議,並作為臺灣生態農業推動之參考。


In recent years, farm houses have been sprawled over Yilan County severely, which destructed scenic paddy fields and badly influenced the inhabitation of waterfowl. As a response to the peril, this study established "Shinnan Tiandong Rice" in Shinnan Village, Jhuangwei Township. In appealing for waterfowl benign and paddy-field guarding, Shinnan Tiandong Rice sells homegrown rice, which not only increases the income of the farmers, but also protects paddy field inhabiting waterfowl. Through the operation of ecological agriculture, the farmers may achieve the consensus of paddy-field guardianships. The customers purchasing Shinnan Tiandong Rice in advance via internet and the tourists visiting Shinnan Leisure Agricultural Area have been surveyed by questionnaire and are statistically analyzed with SPSS 22. Difference analysis is applied to show the differences in aspects of environmental attitude and intention of environmental behavior changes between tourists who have participated rice husking activity and those who did not. We perform this analysis so as to investigate the influences of the Shinnan Tiandong Rice related activities (created in accordance with ecological agriculture and the spirit of green tourism) on the environmental attitude and the environmental behavior of the tourists. Results show that the purchase intention and the aspects on loyalty and intention of environmental behavior changes of the tourists who have participated in rice husking activity are significantly higher than those who did not. This finding indicate the important role of experiencing activities for the promotion of Tiandong Rice and ecological agriculture products. Factors that influence tourists' purchase intention of Tiandong Rice were analyzed with logistic regression. Analytical results illustrate that the significant factors, which exhibit significant influence on purchase intention, are degree of satisfaction, recommendation intention as well as revisit intention, income, participation of environmental protection organization, and bird watching experience. Other factors, such as the degree of attention on the mouth feel of the rice, degree of support for chemical-free cultivation, degree of support for the competitiveness of the selling price, degree of support for elaborate packing, degree of support for Tiandong Rice, gender, age, educational background, and degree of participation into civic organization and bird watching activities, show no significant impacts on the subject studied. The results described above provide helpful suggestions for future development of Tiandong Rice. The prepresent study also yields helpful implications for the promotion of ecological agriculture in Taiwan.


