  • 期刊


Trends of Communication Security of 5G Private Networks over O-RAN Architecture


政府及業界正積極推動5th Generation Mobile Networks(5G)專網的發展,並使用Open Radio Access Network(O-RAN)開放架構來滿足5G專網對高品質、低成本的需求,成為客製化情境應用如智慧工廠、智慧醫療、公共設施等廣受關注的解決方案。5G專網為無線通訊應用帶來了高品質需求的應用情境,但同時其開放架構也對通訊資安帶來新的技術挑戰。本文章分析了5G公網與5G專網的技術及兩者對於資安需求的差異,針對5G O-RAN開放架構與通訊資安風險的關聯性進行討論,並探討5G O-RAN架構下的通訊與資訊安全標準的現況發展,另外也介紹5G與Wi-Fi技術在專網的整合及管理議題對資安帶來的挑戰,在文章最後也介紹人工智慧於5G、Beyond 5G(B5G)的資安發展趨勢可扮演之角色。本文期能提供產學界在5G資訊安全發展趨勢的觀點,鼓勵更多產學合作及通訊技術研發新議題。


Fifth generation mobile networks (5G) private networks are being actively promoted not only by the government but in the industry. The open radio access network (O-RAN) architecture is adopted to meet the demand of providing high-quality and low-cost services, and thus, has become a popular solution for customized application scenarios, such as smart factories, smart hospitals, public utilities, etc. Although the 5G private networks can develop a new wireless scenario providing high-quality applications, the open RAN architecture unavoidably raises new technical challenges on communications security. This article addresses the differences of security requirements between 5G public networks and 5G private networks, meanwhile it discusses the interrelation and trends of the 5G O-RAN architecture, security standards and the risk of communication security. The integration and management issues with corresponding security challenges over 5G/Wi-Fi private networks are elaborated and followed by a discussion on how artificial intelligence (AI) can play a role in the trends of 5G and beyond 5G (B5G) security. This article shares our viewpoints on 5G information security and hopefully can motivate more opportunities for industry-academia cooperation and new research topics.


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