  • 期刊


Recent Achievements and Judicial Practice of Intellectual Property Law in Taiwan




Intellectual Property Rights is an important international business and legal issues. Two of the most notably international organizations -the ”World Intellectual Property Organization” (WIPO) and its related treaties, and the ”Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights Agreement” (TRIPS) within the framework of ”World Trade Organization” (WTO), is booming in recent years. In Taiwan, with international standards, and with the development of international treaties, also for the intellectual property laws (Patent Law, Trademark Law, Copyright Law, etc.) there are significant changes in recent years, such as patents infringement decriminalization, Internet service provider liability limitations and other legislation. In addition to the provisions of material law above, in order to strengthen the intellectual property cases trial to be professional, our legislation in 2008 set up the Intellectual Property Court, and legislate the Intellectual Property Case Adjudication Act. This article will first briefly introduce domestic and foreign development in the field of intellectual property, and then analyze the recent judicial practice with the important issues in the field of intellectual property in Taiwan.


TRIPS-plus 為自由貿易協定之條款,因簽署國談判地位不同而未必具相同內容, 大致上包含延長專利權存續期間(超過20 年)、透過行政管制使藥品製造商無法 取得合法進入市場之許可販賣基因專利藥品(如提出系爭基因藥品係經兩階段測 試及人體臨床實驗證實為安全有效之資料)等內容。詳請參照WTO 網站 http://www.who.int/bulletin/volumes/85/1/06-033274.pdf(最後瀏覽日:2010/03/31)
相關資料參考:http://www.wto.int/english/tratop_e/trips_e/trips_e.htm(最後瀏覽日: 2010/03/31)。
組織法第3 條、審理法第7、23、31 條及審理細則第2~5 條。
審理法第19、20、25~28、32 條。
