  • 期刊


Skin Needling Combined with Acupuncture for the Treatment of Postherpetic Neuralgia: A Case Report


帶狀疱疹是由水痘帶狀疱疹病毒(Varicella-zoster virus, VZV)感染後,復發所產生的疾病,現代醫學對帶狀疱疹的治療已是十分的進步,但對於所引發的併發症仍困擾著許多患者,其中帶狀疱疹後神經痛(Postherpetic Neuralgia, PHN)即是一種,即使有許多藥物和治療方法,卻仍有超過50%的病人無法緩解疼痛。本文即是一位73歲男性,主訴為疱疹後刺痛合併有麻感將近一個月,在西醫治療無明顯效果後,轉往本院中西醫合診治療,經診斷為中醫纏腰火丹範疇,屬於氣滯血瘀的證型,治療以局部毛刺為主,加上體針治療,並以VAS為疼痛評量指標,治療後疼痛從7分降至0分。


Herpes zoster is a disease caused by the recurrence of Varicella-zoster virus infection. The approaches used to treat herpes zoster have variable results and some complications still bothered many patients. One of the most common complications of herpes zoster is post-herpetic neuralgia. In total, 50% of patients fail to receive acceptable pain relief using various types of medication and a range of therapies. The present case describes a 73-year-old male patient who was suffering from post-herpetic neuralgia. His chief complaint in relation to post-herpetic neuralgia was a numbness sensation that had been present for about one month. The condition did not improve after Western medical treatment. Therefore, he came to our Chinese and Western joint medicine outpatient department. Herpes zoster was diagnosed with the syndrome type of qi stagnation and blood stasis based on Traditional Chinese Medicine theory. Local skin needling combined with acupuncture were prescribed to relief the pain. We will introduce and discuss these related topics.
