  • 期刊


Occupational Therapy for the Promotion of Psychological Well-being among Patients with End-stage Parkinson's Disease: A Case Report




Objectives: The purpose of this article is to explore how occupational therapy is able to promote the psychological well-being of a resident in a long-term care facility. Case report: The client is a 75 years old woman with terminal stage Parkinsonism. The occupational therapy approach was applied from June 2010 to December, 2010. The approach was based on the Model of Human Occupation. We used a semi-structure interview and occupational competence assessment to sum up the client's helpfulness in terms of volition and occupational competence. Discussions: The client showed improvements in her satisfied life experiences and thinking processes. Furthermore, the client changed from being in a habitually passive condition to one involving increased volition. Using occupational competence assessment, the client's score was improved from1.33 to 2.33. We will discuss our findings using the Model of Human Occupation and explore the therapeutic strategies available when treated end-stage Parkinsonism. The findings should useful offer clinical references that will help related staff involved in long-term care.
