  • 期刊


Patient-centered Palliative Care of Senile Dementia: A Case Report




Objective: We describe the principles of palliative and supportive care for patients with dementia through the successful experience of caring an elderly patient with end-stage dementia. Case Report: A 94-year-old male was a patient with endstage dementia. The clinical dementia rating was grade 5. He had a history of ischemic stroke, recurrent pneumonia, poor controlled diabetes and respiratory distress. He had behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia and needed nasogastric tube for feeding. He received interdisciplinary home palliative care services and died at home. Conclusion: From the time of diagnosis, dementia patients should be assessed for a palliative care on the body, mind and spirit, and with members of family as a part to be cared. Such approach can improve the quality of life of the patients and families facing the problems associated with dementia.
