  • 期刊


The Epidemiology of Do-not-resuscitate Orders in the Emergency Department of Taipei City Hospital


目的:台灣自1980 年代起開始發展安寧療護,在2000 年通過安寧緩和條例。本研究主要調查在急診簽署不施行心肺復甦術同意書病人特性。方法:於北市聯合醫院仁愛院區,以回溯性蒐集自2015 年六月至2016 年五月的急診病人資料。結果:196 名於簽署DNR 的病患中,155 名非心搏停止狀況,41 名為心搏停止(包含院外或院內發生),平均年齡分別為84.8 與82.2 歲。非心搏停止中最常見的潛在疾病為癌症(31.6%)、失智症(36.1%)、腦中風(34.2%)等。無心搏停止的病人有68 名(43.9%) 於同次住院死亡,與同次住院無死亡比較,安寧緩和照護需求評估表分數具有顯著差異(p=0.019)。結論:目前急診簽署DNR 者,當中很多是中風或失智病患,為了落實預立醫療決定尊重病人自主權的精神,應設法讓病人在失能之前充分表達自己的意願。


Objective: Hospice palliative care has been developed in Taiwan since 1980s. The Hospice Palliative Care Regulation was passed in 2000. This study was conducted to identify the clinical characters of patients with do not resuscitate (DNR) order in emergency department (ED). Methods: A retrospective study was conducted in the Taipei City Hospital, Renai branch from June 2015 to May 2016. Results: There were 155 non-cardiac arrest and 41 cardiac arrest (including out-of-hospital cardiac arrest and in-hospital cardiac arrest) patients among the 196 ED patients with do not resuscitate DNR order. The mean age of non-cardiac arrest and cardiac arrest patients were 84.8(11.8) and 82.2(12.9) years, respectively. The common underling diseases of the patients with DNR order with cardiac arrest were cancer (31.6%), dementia (36.1%), stroke (34.2%), etc. The most common underling diseases of the patients with DNR order without cardiac arrest were similar to those with cardiac arrest. Among the non-cardiac arrest patients with DNR order, 68 (43.9%) patients expired during hospitalization. The hospice eligibility score in patients who died during admission was significantly higher than those who survived (p=0.019). Conclusion: Many of the patients who visit ED suffer from stroke and/or dementia. The patients are usually unable to express themselves at the time when DNR order is to be implemented. In order to carry out the pre-order and respect patient's autonomy, they should be allowed to sufficiently express their wills before they loss their functions.


