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A Literature Review of The Correlation between Smoking Cessation Period and Effectiveness of Periodontal Disease Treatment in Cessation Outpatients




牙周病 戒菸門診 吸菸 戒菸


Periodontal disease is a series of inflammatory symptoms that affect the tissues around the gums, including inflammation and bleeding of the gingival margin, loose teeth, loss of periodontal tissue, reduction of alveolar bone, angular bone defect, and in the worst-case - end up with tooth loss. Periodontal disease is an important risk factor for metabolism-related diseases, cardiovascular diseases, and neurodegenerative diseases. Therefore, the effective treatment of periodontal disease has become an important public health issue. Smoking is an important risk factor for periodontal disease. The present study aimed to review the literature related to the length of smoking cessation on the risk of periodontal disease in outpatients of the smoking cessation clinics. The results indicated not much difference between the treatment outcomes of periodontal disease between quitters and non-quitters in a short treatment period. For a more extended treatment period, the quitters had better treatment outcomes than the non-quitters. Our findings could be used as a reference when treating periodontal disease in smoking patients.
