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Confused about Your Talents? Take a Gifted Adult with ADHD as Example




The main purpose of this study was to explore the feelings of one gifted adult with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in relation to his past learning experiences and career adaptation. Subject was on gifted graduate student at the Department of Special Education admitted to a hospital with a diagnosis of ADHD but he has neither being identified for special education services in his school life nor receive any special service. The case study involved in-depth interviews with the subject, observation, and review of medical records. In this study, the subject shared his feelings about his special education needs, career adaption problems, and provide reference for twice-exceptionality. consultant team on her side, the researcher initiated a pilot study in language arts class with a group of sixth grade public school students in Taiwan. A series of lesson plans designed in order to meet all students’ needs and bring out their strengths regardless of their abilities. Through class observations, surveys and reflections, the results showed that the participating students in all ability levels enjoyed the lessons and were very much willing to fulfill the tasks assigned to them during the lesson activities. The feedback from the teacher consultant team provided valuable recommendations for future research and related consultations.


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