篇名:「學習者主體」思維的翻轉:國小資優教師素養導向課程設計的探究─Rethinking Learner Subjectivity Curriculum: A Gifted Education Teacher's Exploration of Competency-Based Curriculum Design
作者:王英婷、陳聖文、陳偉仁Eing-Ting Wang, Sheng-Wen Chen, Wei-Ren Chen
刊名:資優教育季刊/Gifted Education
出版者:國立臺灣師範大學特殊教育中心National Taiwan Normal University Special Education Center
中文摘要:學習者主體是十二年國教素養導向教學的理念,也是資優課程設計的核心。身處後標準化時代,資優教師要如何在課程綱要、資優生特質和教師專業間權衡,設計出適性的學習者主體課程,是資優教育界值得關注的議題。本文呈現一位國小資優班教師設計素養導向資優課程的歷程與挑戰,透過資優社群的討論,與普教觀點的對話,以及資優課室的體察,教師反思學習者主體的實踐意涵,並重構學習者主體的課程思維。整體而言,透過和慣性拔河、和真實對話、和拿捏共處,資優教師從中意識到專業判斷是落實學習者主體的關鍵,這種可以辨識出「恰到好處」(rightness of fit) 的判斷,成為學習者主體在資優課室中得以有所為也有所不為的樞紐,更是資優教師設計素養導向課程時的專業所在。
英文摘要:Learner subjectivity curriculum is the rationale of implementing competency-based instruction in the Curriculum Guidelines of 12-Year Basic Education. In gifted education, assessing gifted students’ learning needs and designing the personal relevant approach curriculum are also revealed the importance of the learner subjectivity curriculum. In this regard, the issue of how a gifted education teacher, in the post standardization era, responds to gifted students’ needs and develops teachers’ professional competencies under the competency-based curriculum guideline should be considered for designing adaptive learner subjectivity curriculum. The process and challenges of designing competency-based curriculum by an elementary school teacher for gifted learners was presented. The teacher practiced reflection on her teaching through gifted education teachers’ community conversation, dialogues with other general education teachers, andinvestigation into gifted education classes so as to develop learner subjectivity curricula in a meaningful manner. In sum, the gifted education teacher with the learner subjectivity in mind was situated in the tensions of habituation, encountering with the realities, and employing decision-making. The teacher was aware that professional judgment is the essence of applying learner subjectivity curriculum for gifted learners. It is a “rightness of fit” judgment for manipulating gifted education class appropriately, as well as the essence of developing the competency-based curriculum design for gifted education teachers.
關鍵詞:學習者主體、素養導向、資優課程設計、專業判斷learner subjectivity, competency-based, curriculum design for gifted learners, professional judgment
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