  • 期刊



在中國近代體育早期的傳播和發展過程中,許多中外人士曾貢獻良多,渠等深具影響力與貢獻的諸人物中,首推美國來華體育家麥克樂。本研究係針對麥氏首度來華期間,對中國近代體育的推展,透過史料和文獻的闡釋,並輔以相關人員訪談、書信來往,將蒐集到的史料、文獻,加以整理、考證、分析、解釋與批判,呈現如下結論: 麥克樂首度來華,當時以德、日兵式體操為主的軍國民體育充斥國內;麥氏抵華後,極力推展美國自然體育,當中曾歷經波折和考驗,惟在麥氏和部分中外體育人士努力下,無論在學校體育和社會體育方面,均有相當成效。麥克樂首度來華,對我國近代體育的播種、紮根實不遺餘力,並為嗣後近代體育發展奠定深基。故站在體育史學研究立場,麥克樂抵華推展近代體育,實富有深遠的歷史意義。




During the initial process of propagation and development of physical education in modern China, many people made a great deal of contribution both at home and abroad. Of thise great contributors who exerted a profound influence, Charles Harold McCloy (1886-1959), an American who came to China to practice physical education, ranks first in importance. This study is aimedat the influence he exerted on modern Chinese physical education during his in China. Through interpretation of historical materials and documents, supplemented by interviewing the people concerned and carrying on correspondence with them, I have come up with the following conclusions after sorting, verifying, analyzing, explicating, and criticizing the gathered historical materials and documents: When McCloy came to China for the first time, very prevalent in this country was the militaristic physical education that was predominated by the military physical exercise of the German or Japanese style. After his arrival in China, McCloy did his best to promote American natural physical education. He underwent setbacks and ordeal during the process. However, through the vigorous efforts made by McCloy and some of the people in physical education circles both at home and abroad, quite a lot was achieved in physical education whether in schools or in society. To sum up, McCloy's promotion of modern Chinese physical education diring his stay in China, his influence should be affirmed.


