  • 期刊


A Comparative Study of Critical Velocity Derived from Percentage of Submaximal Exercise VO2 and HR


The purposes of this study was to examine the difference between critical velocity (CV) derived from submaximal exercise time and maximal exercise time. Subjects were 20 college students (20.45±0.83yrs, 177.30±6.21cm, 71.62 ± 6.45kg). Participants performed five exhaustive treadmill tests. The purpose of the first test session was to determine VO2max, HR max and ventilatory threshold. At the following four sessions, each subject performed four exhaustive constant velocity tests (3.5m/sec-6m/sec). During each test, expired gases and HR were analyzed. CV was derived from submaximal exercise V02 and HR at each velocity. The results was CV derived from submaximal exercise time (CV(subscript 9O%VO2max), 3.64±0.387; CV(subscript 5O%VO2max), 3.56±0.410; CV(subscript 9O%HRmax), 3.60±0.354m/s) and maximal exercise time were (3.54±0.318m/s) not significantly different, but were significantly correlated (0.63~0.73). In conclusion, the CV derived from submaximal exercise time in place of maximal exercise time.


The purposes of this study was to examine the difference between critical velocity (CV) derived from submaximal exercise time and maximal exercise time. Subjects were 20 college students (20.45±0.83yrs, 177.30±6.21cm, 71.62 ± 6.45kg). Participants performed five exhaustive treadmill tests. The purpose of the first test session was to determine VO2max, HR max and ventilatory threshold. At the following four sessions, each subject performed four exhaustive constant velocity tests (3.5m/sec-6m/sec). During each test, expired gases and HR were analyzed. CV was derived from submaximal exercise V02 and HR at each velocity. The results was CV derived from submaximal exercise time (CV(subscript 9O%VO2max), 3.64±0.387; CV(subscript 5O%VO2max), 3.56±0.410; CV(subscript 9O%HRmax), 3.60±0.354m/s) and maximal exercise time were (3.54±0.318m/s) not significantly different, but were significantly correlated (0.63~0.73). In conclusion, the CV derived from submaximal exercise time in place of maximal exercise time.


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