  • 期刊


Frequently Asked Questions About the Seventh Edition APA Citation


美國心理協會出版手冊(Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association)-APA格式(American Psychological Association format),是許多學術領域廣泛採用的論文撰寫規範。2019年10月APA第七版格式問世,此版本有兩大特點:一是網路學術資源的引用更為普遍;其次是使用包容無偏見語言以符合時代脈絡與社會進步。APA格式是護理校院學術論文與基層護理能力進階N3、N4報告的書寫格式標準,也是許多護理期刊的投稿規範;然而APA格式中鉅細靡遺的規則常使臨床護理人員及學生感到困惑,此由台灣護理學會網站討論區詢問APA問題者不計其數可見一般。有鑑於此,本文介紹APA格式的起源及演變、對於學術寫作的重要性、APA第七版的主要改變、解析APA引用格式常見的疑問、並分享APA網路學術資源;期能增進護理人員、護理學生與投稿者對APA格式的瞭解,使論文撰寫過程得心應手,進而提升護理研究論文的發表品質。


The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association is an academic writing format reference manual commonly used in the field of social sciences. The current, seventh edition of this manual was published in October 2019. The two main issues spotlighted in this edition are the increasingly common citation of online material and the use of inclusive and bias-free language in academic writing. APA (American Psychological Association) style guidelines are widely used in nursing academia, in papers written for N3 and N4 nursing clinical ladder qualification, and in papers submitted to nursing journals. The lengthy and detailed content of the APA publication manual frequently overwhelms and confuses clinical nurses and students, and Taiwan Nursing Association members regularly submit APA-style-related questions to the Association. Thus, this article was written to address the origin and evolution of APA formatting guidelines and their importance in academic writing, highlight the major changes in the seventh edition, answer common questions about the APA citation format, and share APA online resources. It is hoped that the information in this article assists readers to improve the quality of their academic writing.


American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.). https://doi.org/10.1037/0000165-000
Bentley, M., Peerenboom, C. A., Hodge, F. W., Passano, E. B., Warren, H. C., & Washburn, M. F. (1929). Instructions in regard to preparation of manuscript. Psychological Bulletin, 26(2), 57–63. https://doi.org/10.1037/h0071487
Bradley, L., Noble, N., & Hendricks, B. (2020). The APA publication manual: Changes in the seventh edition. The Family Journal, 28(2), 126–130. https://doi.org/10.1177/1066480720911625
Liller, K. D., & Liller, D. A. (2007). Practicing public health: The important role of professional writing [Editorial]. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, 13(1), 1–2. https://doi.org/10.1097/00124784-200701000-00001
Long, T. L. (2019). A history of citation styles. Nurse Author & Editor, 29(3), 1–6. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1750-4910.2019.tb00048.x
