  • 期刊


A Study of US Navy Unmanned Maritime Systems Development




1. Littoral regions are major maritime zones for US Navy's implementing sea control and power projection. According to anti-ship cruise missile range and sensor accuracy increasing, littoral countries have more stronger anti-access/area denial (A2/AD) capabilities than ever, especially PRC and Russia. Under these circumstances, US Navy proposes two new operational concepts, including distributed lethality and distributed maritime operation for responding these challenges. 2. In order to implement previously noted operational concepts, US Navy is very active to develop unmanned maritime systems, e. g., unmanned surface vehicles and unmanned underwater vehicles. These unmanned maritime systems may to reduce operational and maintenance costs, decease personnel workloads, and improve fleet entire combat effectiveness. 3. In foreseeable future, US Navy fleet architect composed of manned ships/aircrafts, and unmanned surface, underwater and aerial vehicles. Through distributed fleet architect building, US Navy could preserve core combat capabilities in high contested maritime operational environment and secure maritime supremacy and win the sea battles.
