  • 期刊


The Analysis of System Function Design for Literature and History Studies on Chinese Ancient Book Database




Due to the development of emerging information technology and system function, the users of ancient book database pay more attention to the functions of system than before. This study aims to explore the users' need of Chinese ancient book database. Firstly, the interface analysis of the ancient book databases was carried out to compare the current functions of database interface in Taiwan's institutions. The questionnaire survey was used to understand the researchers' experience and expectations for the use of the ancient books database system. The results indicated that existing database functions can met the basic search needs of users, however, the emerging digital humanity functions were insufficiency. Most users still stayed in the basic functions of search and browsing, and had low recognition for emerging functions. The findings of the paper can be valuable references for Chinese ancient book databases in perfecting full text and metadata, improving their basic functions, upgrading digital content analysis functions, establishing thematic and integrated databases.


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