  • 期刊


The Mediating Effects of Community Identification and Brand Trust on International Tourist Hotels’ Fan Pages


本研究旨在探討國際觀光旅館社群網站品牌經營中,社群成員的品牌熱愛與品牌認同對品牌承諾的影響,社群認同與品牌信任是促成顧客-品牌社群關係成功的關鍵因素。品牌經營者應使消費者透過品牌定義自我,滿足自我相關的需求時,對品牌產生情感上的依附,進而引發對品牌的承諾。本研究以社會認同理論,將認同分成品牌認同及社群認同二個角度,並整合愛情三角理論,探討對品牌承諾之影響。本研究採用立意抽樣,並以花蓮遠雄悅來大飯店品牌社群Facebook 粉絲專頁為研究樣本,研究結果發現:(1)品牌熱愛對於品牌信任有顯著正向影響;(2)品牌認同對於社群認同與品牌信任分別有顯著正向影響;(3)社群認同與品牌信任分別對於品牌承諾有顯著正向影響。


This research aims to explore the community members‟ brand love and brand identification towards brand commitment among the brand community Website for international tourist hotels. Community identification and brand trust are the keys to the success of customer-brand community relationship. A brand-marketing manager should help consumers find their self-definition through the brand. When the brand meets the self needs of the consumers and builds consumers‟ emotional attachments, which would trigger consumers‟ brand commitment. This study applies the social identity theory to divide identity into two perspectives, including brand identification and community identification, and integrates the triangular theory of love to discuss the impact on brand commitment. This paper treats the Facebook fan page of the brand community of Hualien Farglory Hotel as the research target. The results indicate: (1) Brand love has significant and positive influence on brand trust; (2) Brand identification has significant and positive influences on community identification and brand trust; (3) Community identification and brand trust have significant and positive influence on brand commitment, respectively.


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