  • 期刊


Pediatric Subglottic Hemangoima Threated with Intralesional Steroid Injection


小兒聲門下血管瘤(pediatric subglottic hemangioma)爲一罕見的喉部疾病,因其病灶所引起的呼吸道狹窄,往往會危及生命。已有多種治療的方式被提出發表,但因爲各有其優缺點故目前並無一最佳的治療方法。通常依病灶的範圍,大小及病患的臨床徵狀來決定適用的治療方式。本院於2007年9月經歷一40天大女嬰因聲門下血管瘤造成呼吸道阻塞,通過硬式支氣管鏡於患部施行局部類固醇注射來治療。不但縮小插管的時間及短暫的住院觀察,在腫瘤萎縮方面也有滿意的效果。故此提出以爲將來類似的病例治療作爲參考。


Pediatric subglottic hemangioma is one a the rare disease of the larynx. Due to airway obstruction, this disease can be potentially life threatening. Currently, several treatments have been introduced, but none of them has produced optimal results due to coincidental benefits and drawbacks. Usually, the choice of treatment depends on the location and the dimension of the tumor as well as the resulting symptoms. A case was admitted to our hospital in September, 2007. A 40-day old female infant with pediatric subglottic hemangioma was experiencing airway obstruction. Intralesional steroid injection into the tumor was performed using a rigid bronchoscopy to relieve airway obstruction. The outcome showed not only shrinkage of the tumor, which minimized the time of intubation and also shortened the length of the patient’s hospital stay. This case demonstrated that intralesional steroid treatment can be used as a safe and effective alternative when managing obstructive pediatric subglottic hemangioma.
