  • 期刊


An Exploratory Survey of Personal Therapy for Counseling Trainees




The purpose of the study was to investigate the personal therapy experience of 248 counseling major and minor students who attended the class of Theories and practices of counseling taught by the researcher between 1998 and 2004. The subjects were required by the course to have a personal therapy at least one hour from a qualified counselor at their own choice. About half (50.4%) of the subjects went to a university counseling center for personal therapy, 21.0% went to a university health center, and 26.6% went to community counseling services. They were instructed to complete a questionnaire before the end of the semester. The questionnaire items included basic information about the counselor and the subject, length of each counseling session, counseling structure, fee, personal view on the counseling outcomes, willingness to return for future counseling, willingness to recommend personal counseling to future students, days elapsed before seen by the counselor, and total number of counseling sessions. The main findings were summarized as follows: 1. About three quarters (73.4%) of the subjects received personal counseling with a session lasted from 50 to 60 minute; 2. About half (48.8%) of the subjects were not provided information regarding counseling structure; 3. About three quarters (76.2%) of the subjects viewed their personal therapy as a positive experience while 18.5% had mixed views; 4. Among the subjects, 29.0% viewed their personal therapy experiences most helpful and 60.5% some helpful; 5. Majority (84.7%) of the subjects would return for future counseling as needed; 6. Great majority (93.1%) of the subjects recommended personal therapy to future students in counseling program; 7. About half (48.0%) of the subjects were seen by a counselor within 7 days, 29.0% within 14 days, and 22.2% more than 14 days. Implications and future suggestions of the study were also discussed.


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