

遠在1961年,由Petersdorf及Beeson給「不明熱」下定義之後,迄今已經將近五十年,不僅檢查技術有劃時代的進展,同時因爲新疾病(愛滋病毒,human immunodeficiency virus, HIV)以及侵入性診治方法的出現,「不明熱」的定義、診斷思考方式、及檢查項目有很大的改變。不過,如同任何感染症的處理,詳細的問診還是最重要、無法簡化的基本作業。檢查方法很多都是需要用上昂貴的先進儀器;宜由感染症專科醫師指揮,每一項確實執行。很重要的處理原則就是,不要在還不知道原因時,就急於用藥盲目治療,或用上類固醇壓制體溫。第一輪的檢查之後還找不出原因者,應該緊密觀察,定期、或視新展現的徵候,重複個別相關的或全面的檢查。長期發燒,又找不到原因者,如果沒有顯著的體重減輕,一般說來,暗藏惡性疾病的可能性很低。


不明熱 心內膜炎 結核病 動脈炎


Clinical definition of the ”fever of unknown origin” was delineated nearly 50 years ago by Petersdorf and Beeson. Since then, there have been numerous breakthroughs in the DNA and imaging technology. These advances have simplified and shortened the durations required to clarify diseases that were previously difficult to diagnose. However, the appearance of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection and invasive therapeutic maneuvers have added new dimensions to the causes of the FUO. Despite all the advances in technology, a thorough, detailed history taking can never be ignored. The work-up is better be carried out under the supervision of qualified infectious disease specialist. Therapeutic trials are limited only to a few situations. When no definitive cause could be found, patients should be put under close observations. Depending on the patients' condition and possible new signs and symptoms, all or specific exams should be repeated. Those who have prolonged fever without significant weight loss are unlikely to have malignant diseases.




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