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The Effect of Caries Treatment Using Er: YAG Laser on Child's Dental Behavior


目的:本研究之目的在比較高速鑽針與鉺雅各鐳射做齲齒窩洞修磨時對兒童行為表現之影響。 村料與方法:選取4至12歲兒童36名,擁有兩顆同樣型態及大小的齲齒。一顆以傳統高速鑽針去除齲齒及做窩洞修磨,另一顆以鉺雅各鐳射(700mj, 10pps)去除齲齒及做窩洞修磨。兩顆牙齒修磨時都不施予局部麻醉劑。記錄兩種不同的方法治療齲齒時兒童所表現之行為,兒童之行為表現以頭部的搖動及身體的晃動來評估。窩洞修磨結束後,將資料收集並以x^2-test評估差異性,p值為0.05。 結果:結果顯示在以鐳射治療的過程當中,搖晃頭部或是移動臉部的平均次數為每位小朋友0.05次;但是在以高速鑽針治療時會移動頭部的平均次數為每位小朋友0.8次,兩者是有很明顯的不同。而在身體其他部位,如手或腳有移動者,在鐳射組完全沒有;而在高速鑽針組則每位平均有0.3次。顯然鐳射的治療對小朋友看牙時的行為表現有相當程度的改善。 結論:與傳統的高速鑽針磨牙比較,以鉺雅各鐳射治療齲齒可以有效改善小朋友看牙時之行為。臨床上以鉺雅各鐳射治療齲齒是成功有效的。


Aim: The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of caries treatment using Er: YAG laser and conventional high-speed handpieces on children's dental behavior. Materials & Methods: Thirty-six children from 4 to 12 years old with at least two carious anterior teeth were selected for the study. The teeth with similar carious depth and size were selected in this study. One cavity was prepared with conventional high-speed handpieces, the other cavity was prepared with Er: YAG laser (Opus 20, Sharplan). The other pediatric dentist assessed the child’s dental behavior. Head movement and body movement were recorded for behavior assessment. The differences between Er: YAG laser and high-speed burs were analyzed using chi-square test at p value<0.05. Results: The results showed that there were less head movement and less body movement during Er: YAG laser preparation. The average head movement was 0.05 times for the laser group, and 0.8 times for the high-speed group. There were no body movements in laser group, but 0.3 times body movements during conventional bur preparation. There was significant difference between these two groups. Conclusion: In laser group head or body movements were seldom recorded. The child's behavior can be improved by using Er: YAG laser for caries treatment.
