  • 期刊


Ethical Issues in Pre-Implantation Embryonic Genetic Diagnosis


胚胎植入前基因診斷(pre-implantation embryonic genetic diagnosis)技術之使用,讓帶有遺傳性疾病的夫婦可以避免懷孕後流產的命運,減少特定遺傳疾病的產生。惟此項醫療技術未必適用於所有的遺傳性疾病診斷,而當此項技術被延伸運用到性別篩檢、救命寶寶等,是否合乎倫理則更有爭議。本文就植入前基因診斷所涉及的倫理議題做一介紹,探討特定植入前基因診斷如性別篩檢、救命寶寶等所涉倫理爭議,最後介紹英、美等國對於植入前基因診斷之爭議及專業倫理規範,期能幫助讀者瞭解此一新醫療料技應用之倫理議題並探討周應之道。


The use of pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) can reduce the incidence of genetic disease in newborns and help prevent abortion due to fatal genetic disorders. However, it raises ethical concerns when used for sex selection, rescue baby and other purposes. This paper explores the ethical issues in PGD and reviews relevant US and UK guidelines. In conclusion, Taiwan should also establish indigenous ethical practice guideline for PDG.


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