  • 期刊

Rescue of Severe Air Leak Syndrome in Chronic Lung Disease after Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation-Case Report and Review of Literature


A 19 year-old patient with chronic graft versus host disease (cGVHD)-related bronchiolitis obliterans (BO) developed air-leak syndrome (ALS) and pulmonary fungal infections two years after the transplantation. He experienced significant hypercapnea and unstable vital signs, which required high-pressure ventilation and inotropics support. The patient also suffered from pneumoperitoneum, which mimicked hollow organ perforation in X-rays. He finally recovered after 40 days of intensive care, although he still required a tracheostomy and home ventilator support. We searched the literature and reviewed case reports of BO patients with air-leak syndrome from 1997 to 2011. We found that pneumoperitoneum was a very rare complication in such patients, and the survival rates of such patients were very low. We concluded that aggressive respiratory care and early consideration of tracheostomy helped to improve the outcome.
