  • 學位論文


Integrated Marketing Communications Analysis on Performing Arts Organizations in Taiwan

指導教授 : 練乃華 徐木蘭


本研究基於行銷之於表演藝術產業的重要性,以結合問卷調查與個案方法之探索性研究探討之。首先定義表演藝術產業及特性,並回顧整合行銷溝通之文獻,訂定問卷題目,作台灣表演藝術團體的整合行銷溝通應用探討;並以國內具代表性之表演藝術團體為例,個案訪談彙整整合行銷溝通實務上之應用,以作為後續研究發展之基礎。 本研究發現,台灣表演藝術團體在整體溝通媒體及推廣工具運用而言,最重視的溝通工具為透過自製DM及在公共場所放置文宣品;在資料庫運用上,重視在演出結束後請觀眾填寫問卷及將表演訊息告知觀眾、義工及贊助者,並且有專人負責聯繫義工與贊助者;以整合行銷溝通企劃與評估方面來說,最重視團體中有一負責統整訊息的人員。 本研究發現表演藝術團體之溝通媒體及推廣工具運用程度會因「成立年限」、「表演場次」、「專職員工規模」、「兼職員工規模」、「義工規模」、「員工參加行銷或推廣訓練計畫之頻率」、「行銷部門型態」、「表演藝術團體類型」,及「每年平均籌募款項」等特徵之不同,而有顯著性差異。表演藝術團體的整合行銷溝通企劃與評估程度因「兼職員工規模」、「義工規模」、「員工參加行銷或推廣訓練計畫之頻率」、「行銷部門型態」、,及「每年平均籌募款項」等特徵之不同,而有顯著性差異。 對於未來表演藝術團體在實行整合行銷溝通上,本研究給予以下五點建議:1.定位適合的行銷溝通工具組合;2.培養專業人才;3.提升資料庫管理及應用;4.強調團體特色及創造品牌價值;以及5.聯合行政辦公室。




Considering the importance of integrated marketing communication on performing arts industries, the research has taken both questionnaires and case-study methods to investigate the issue. The researcher defined performing arts industries and their characteristics. On the one hand, the researcher set up the questionnaires to estimate the extent of the use of integrated marketing communication. On the other hand, the researcher interviewed with 4 performing arts organizations to understand the practical use of integrated marketing communication. Combining these results can be the basis of further research. Research findings are as follows: 1. Communication medias : performing arts organizations view direct mail and putting DM& posts in public as the most important. 2. Use of database : performing arts organizations asked the audience to fill in the questionnaires after performance, spreading the news about performance to the audience, volunteers, and the sponsors. Also, within performing arts organizations, there is a specialist responsible for connecting volunteers and sponsors. 3. Planning and estimation of integrated marketing communication: performing arts organizations emphasize a specialist responsible for integrating the messages. 4. The organizational factors affecting the usage of communication medias are “setting up years”, “the frequency of performance”, “the size of full-time employees”, ”the size of part-time employees”, ”the size of volunteers”, ”the frequency of participating in marketing or promotion training programs”, ”the type of marketing department”, “the type of performing arts organizations”, and “the total amount of one-year fund raising”. 5. The organizational factors affecting the extent of planning and estimation of integrated marketing communication are ”the size of part-time employees”, ”the size of volunteers”, ”the frequency of participating in marketing or promotion training programs”, ”the type of marketing department”, and “the total amount of one-year fund raising”. As to further practical use of integrated marketing communications, the researcher has several recommendations as follows: 1.Posit suitable marketing communication mix 2.Develope professional employees 3.Raise the management and usage of database 4. Emphasize unique characteristics and create brand values 5. Set up union office.


Performing Arts


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