  • 學位論文


Modularity Enhancement for Web Object Delivery in IPP System

指導教授 : 李肇林


隨著網際網路的蓬勃發展,越來越多的資訊與服務架構在網際網路之上。然而,使用網路的環境與設備也越來越多變化及差異性。種種的限制,在某些情況可能造成瀏覽或下載的不便,可能是使用者失去耐性,或者伺服器逾時中斷,而使得原本的期待民咫@簣。 這些問題的解決方案,在IPP這個經過修改過的代理伺服器中已被開發出來,稱為網路物件轉送系統,幫助使用者在使用不同的網路環境或設備時,仍可獲得或提昇其所希望的品質。只要使用者事先依據本身需求,訂定相關的規則,代理伺服器將自動化地根據規則決定各種網路物件的相關動作。 但其仍然存在一些系統上的問題,我特別針對任務排程以及轉送模組做了深入的研究,並予以改良。有良好的任務排程,可增加系統的效率,亦可幫助使用者更確實掌握轉送流程。而透過模組化的設計,可直接將已有的程式,包入轉送的流程中,增加後續處理的彈性。 我在Microsoft Windows的平台上實作這個系統,並撰寫一些簡單的網路應用程式測試,確實可輕易外掛模組。


With the tremendous growth of World Wide Web, more and more information and services are provided on the Web. However the client space and speed has become heterogeneous in terms of device capabilities. Various restrictions may cause inconvenient for browsing or downloading. It may be caused by the user losing tolerance or timeout of the service, so the hope was gone. These problems were solved by IPP, a modified proxy system. It is called Web Object Deliver System. It helps to improve the quality of service when the user switches various network environment and device. If only the user sets the rules in advance, the proxy server will execute the correlative actions automatically. There are still some problems in the system. I specially do some researches deeply and aim at task scheduling and delivery modularity. I improve them in this paper. Good scheduling makes the service more efficient and helps the user know each step when delivering. The designs of modularity are able to include any program into the delivery method. I implemented the program in the Microsoft Windows and write some web programs to prove it.


Web Service Web Object Proxy Delivery Modularity


[1] 楊凱翔, “An Integrated Personal Proxy for Heterogeneous Devices”, 台大資訊工程研究所博士論文, 2004年6月
[3] Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. RFC 2821. http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2821.txt.
[4] File Transfer Protocol. RFC 959. http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc959.txt
[7] Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part One: Format of Internet Message Bodies. RFC 2045.
[9] Santosh K. Shrivastava and Daniel L. McCue, “Structuring Fault-Tolerant Object System for Modularity in a Distributed Environment”, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 1994
