  • 學位論文

政府採購規格制度之研究 -以建築工程同等品評估及其監控機制為例-

指導教授 : 郭斯傑
共同指導教授 : 羅昌發(Chang-fa Lo)


建立政府採購制度的目的,係為透過公平、公開之採購程序,以提升採購效率與弁遄A並確保採購品質。「規格」為採購之四大要件中的首要,其問題實為發生弊害與履約爭議之淵藪,故規格之訂定實為採購技術最為關鍵之所在。由於目前我國的國家標準及其符合性評估程序,尚且無法完全滿足公共工程的需要,因此在政府採購實務上遂發展出同等品機制來補充說明採購規格的內容。有鑑於同等品評估在實務上卻經常衍生釵h爭議,因此對於同等品評估是否能達到公平合理及促進公平競爭,此乃本文研究動機之所在。 在政府採購制度中的競爭機制與監控機制之目的就是要發揮促進競爭與防弊的弁遄C當這些機制出現了設計瑕疵或欠缺其他機制配合時,政府採購就無法發揮規範效果,以致無法達到政治與經濟上的目標,弊案也就層出不窮。同等品機制能否有效發揮促進公平競爭之作用,除了端視其運作是否符合政府採購法公開、公平的規範意旨之外,還必須有賴於監控機制能充分發揮預防與懲罰不法行為。因此,本研究從同等品機制與其監控機制加以檢討,研究結論茲分述如次:1.招標文件所例示的要求或提及特定之「參考廠牌」並加註「或同等品」字樣,僅係用以輔助說明招標要求,因此不得限制廠商必須採用;2.應排除以產品之品牌、來源地等外顯訊息作為同等品評估基準;3.使用同等品之扣減價金規定僅適用於涉及契約變更的部分;4.建築師能否客觀中立評估同等品的立場則有待商榷;5.綁標罪之規格內容不以技術規格為限;6.從綁標罪之條文中仍無法預見科罰行為內容,而必須參照其他法律規定或行政機關所訂定之行政命令,方能判斷行為人有無違犯科罰行為,與憲法保障人民權利之意旨不符,似乎有必要加以檢討。綜上所述,綁標罪在構成要件不明確的情況下,如著重於人權保障之考量而嚴格限縮所稱「違反法令」的意義範圍,無疑亦是限縮綁標行為之犯罪成立範圍,則綁標罪之監控機制作用的發揮將受到限制,恐難以有效確保同等品機制的適當運作。


The Government Procurement Act represents an attempt by the central authorities to promote the efficiency and effectiveness of government procurement operation and ensure the quality of procurement through fair and open procurement procedures. Procurement specification, one of the four important conditions on procurement, should, in particular, be imposed to prevent malpractices and disputes on the effectuation of the contract. At present, however, the national standards and the conformity assessment procedures fail to completely satisfy the needs of public constructions, and thus the equivalent mechanism has been developed as supplements to the procurement specification. In view of the frequent disputes that the assessment of equivalents brings about, the thesis aims at explore the possibilities of a reasonable assessment of equivalents and of the enhancement of fair competition in procurement procedures. The competition and supervision mechanism in government procurement regulations intends to enhance competition and prevent corruption. However, when government procurement fails to be regulated and the political and economic goals of the government fail to be achieved as a result of the imperfection of the mechanism or the failure of the assistance of other mechanism, corrupt practices will emerge. Whether the equivalent mechanism can effectively enhance fair competition depends on whether its operation complies with fair and open procurement procedures stipulated by Government Procurement Act. The supervision mechanism should be operated to its extent in preventing and punishing malpractices. This study, providing an analysis and discussion of the equivalent and supervision mechanism, has come to the conclusion as follows: 1.Providing "reference brand" and such word as "or equivalent" should not be obligatory in the tender documentation since they are used only in the specification of the procurement requirements; 2.These extrinsic cues as brand and source of origin should not be included as criterions in the assessment of equivalents; 3.Regulations on price-reduction are applicable only when contract amendment is involved; 4.Whether the architect can assess the equivalent in a fair and objective manner requires further consideration; 5.Specification included in Government Procurement Act Article 88 should not be limited to technical specification; 6.Provisions for punishing violations, falling outside the scope of Government Procurement Act Article 88, are based on other administrative decrees formulated by certain administrative departments, which is not consistent with the human rights protected by the Constitution, and accordingly should be improved upon. To sum up, a strictly limited range of "violation of laws" on the basis of human rights is restriction on the definition of committing a crime. As a consequence, the supervision function of Government Procurement Act Article 88 cannot be brought into full play and thus it will fail to effectively ensure the proper operation of equivalents.


Aaker, David A., Building Strong Brand, New York, The Free Press,1996.


