  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 葉超雄 李世光


本文乃基於過去三年來本研究團隊對於1998年Nature期刊所發表有關光的異常穿透現象後,一系列對這樣的次波長週期性結構對於光行進行為的研究為基礎。在2002年本團隊林鼎晸學長對指向性對問題作了定性的研究,2003年余良彬博士對於光的指向性提出了表面電漿繞射的思考模式,因此本研究團隊對於奈米直寫儀的開發工作正如火無筡的進行中。論文的內容是以工程的方法來利用這樣的一個有光學指向性現象元件,為其設計與製作搭配的元件系統、定義其聚焦現象的特徵參數、撰寫控制用的人機介面,並嘗試對於這樣新穎的聚焦直寫系統尋求最佳化的調校方式。 由最後的試驗結果可知,在系統的搭配與調校上大都也經完成了,整體系統也已經可以穩定的工作,但刻寫線寬仍然未達預估的大小,刻寫品質也未達實用化的水準。這與曝光所需的時間,次波長週期性結構的製作品質都有相當的關係,所幸本研究之研究成果,對於解決這樣的問題及改善其刻寫的品質均已提出解決之方法。


系統整合 奈米結構


The thesis work can find its foundation form the extraordinary optical transmission phenomena published in Journal Nature in 1998. The focus is to utilize the focusing and directional beaming phenomenon, which is strongly influenced by the subwavelength period structure, in an engineering system. In 2002, D. J. Lin, a master graduate of our team had completed his thesis on the qualitative analysis of directional beaming. In 2003, L. B. Yu, a Ph.D. of our group had proposed a new viewpoint on directional beaming. With an attempt to capitalize on the above-mentioned research, our team has been trying to create a nanowriter machine. In this dissertation, works was done to analyze design parameter of optical head, to design the components needed, to program the GUI (graphical user interface) and to optimize the alignment method needed. We attempted to improve lithography technology by using the nanowriter system even though the underlying physical understanding related to directional beaming is still incomplete. Finally, according to direct writing test results done by this newly developed machine, the nanowriter system was found to be stable and reliable. Nonetheless, line width and writing quality did not meet our original expectations. The profile of period structures and other design parameters were proposed to be the underlying mechanism for this less than perfect performance.


Nano-structure System Integration


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