  • 學位論文


William Wordsworth's Ecological Vision

指導教授 : 林耀福


本文從生態觀點探討華茲華斯的詩。文中討論到的詩作,皆展現了華茲華斯的生態觀。我們所處的世代,地球已迅速轉變成生態浩劫下的荒原。此刻,在我們重新檢視人與自然的關係時,以生態的角度來詮釋文學作品(本文則選擇探討華茲華斯的詩作),有助於生態意識的培養與萌發。 本篇論文分成三個主要章節,另加前言與結語。在前言中,我將解釋為何以生態觀點嬝炊敺ョA對我們這個時代是重要且有價值的;另外,我也將簡明扼要地追溯自六0年代起迄今華茲華斯研究流派的演變,並分析英國浪漫派與生態之間的關係。第一章則企圖藉由檢視華茲華斯的詩篇〈鹿跳泉〉(“Hart-Leap Well”),來探討人與非人動物的關係,我認為這首詩傳達了詩人對非人動物深沉的悲憫,此外,我將進一步指出,華茲華斯並未將他的關心僅僅放在非人動物身上,他將他的愛擴展至植物以及其他存在物。第二章試圖詮釋華茲華斯的萬物一體觀,探究其如何運用萬物一體觀來抵抗物我分立的二元論(nature/mind dualism),以及允酗H類將自然視為純粹物質資源而加以剝削的機械論式世界觀(mechanistic worldview)。第三章旨在闡釋詩人如何透過詩作〈家在格列斯米爾〉(“Home at Grasmere”)來傳達其深厚的地方意識,此詩具有當今「生命地區主義」(bioregionalism)的雛形。之後,我將說明華茲華斯並沒有將他的地方意識侷限在像湖區這樣一處固定的地方,藉由步行,詩人跨出家園,與他地接觸、互動,進而對他地產生認同感。我會解釋為何從生態角度而言,擴大地方意識的範圍是重要的。結語重申華茲華茲的詩確能引領我們走向符合生態的生活方式。


I analyze Wordsworth’s poems from the ecological viewpoint. I argue that the poetry of Wordsworth contains an ecological vision and deserve our attention when we reconsider human’s relationship with non-human nature in an age which the earth has rapidly been transformed into a wasteland. I divide this thesis into three main chapters, with an introduction and a conclusion. In the introductory chapter, I explain why the emergence of an ecological study on literature is crucial and valuable to our era, briefly trace the development of Wordsworth study since the sixties, and analyze the connection between the Romantics and ecology. The first chapter intends to explore humans’ relation to non-human animals by examining Wordsworth’s animal poem, “Hart-Leap Well.” I argue that this poem conveys the poet’s deep sympathy for non-human animals. What is more, I will show that Wordsworth did not confine his concern to non-human animals alone. Instead, he extended his concern to include plants and other forms of existence. The second chapter discusses Wordsworth’s holistic view of nature, examining how he used one-life vision to resist mind/nature dualism and the mechanistic worldview, which allows human beings to exploit the natural world as pure resources. The third chapter focuses on Wordsworth’s sense of the Lake District and then argues that the poet did not confine his sense of place to this region; instead, by way of walking, Wordsworth extended his sense of identification beyond it. I will explain why expanding the scope of sense of place is important from an ecological point of view. The conclusion reiterates the view that Wordsworth’s poems can direct us to an ecological way of life.


Primary Sources
Wordsworth, William. Guide to the Lakes. The Prose Works of William Wordsworth. Vol. 2. Ed. W. J. B. Owen and J. W. Smyser. Oxford: Clarendon, 1974.
---. Home at Grasmere: Part First, Book First, of The Recluse. Ed. Beth Darlington. Ithaca & London: Cornell UP, 1977.
Secondary Sources
Abercrombie, Lascelles. Romanticism. London: Secker, 1926.

