  • 學位論文


Organizational Identity, Image, and Reputation: A Multi-Level Analysis of the Effect in Various Congruity Settings

指導教授 : 鄭伯壎


本研究收集來自26所台灣大專院校、623位學生的受試者資料,用以探討組織認定、組織形象與組織聲譽三者彼此間的關係與效果。在個人層次上,研究發現學生個人對所屬學校的認定或形象建構越正面,其對所屬學校的組織承諾感與正向情緒越高,並且會展現較多的組織公民行為。更進一步的分析顯示,當學生個人對學校的組織認定和其所知覺到的外界形象建構有正向契合時,促使其展現正面行為(組織承諾感、正向情緒與組織公民行為)的效果最佳,個人組織認定與形象建構不契合時效果次之,二者有負向契合時效果最差。此外,在華人社會中,正向之形象建構對個人展現正面行為的促發效果較正向之組織認定要高。 在組織層次上,學校的認定、形象或聲譽越正面,該學校在組織層次上關於組織承諾感、組織公民行為與正向情緒的加總指標程度越高,在大學評鑑資料中的表現也越佳。兩兩比較組織認定、形象或聲譽的契合性時,發現具有正向契合時學校的表現最佳,不契合時其表現次之,而負向契合時表現最差。同樣的,在華人社會中,正向的組織形象對學校表現之影響較正向的組織認定要大。


This research examines the effect of organizational identity, image, and reputation by data collected from 623 students in 26 universities in Taiwan. At individual level the research result shows the more positive a member’s perceived organizational identity or construed external image is, the better the member’s outcome. The individual outcomes is the best for members being favorably congruent, second best for being incongruent, and worst for being unfavorably congruent, in identity and image comparison. Also, members with more positive construed external image in Chinese society where other orientation is emphasized show better outcome than members with more positive perceived organizational identity. At organizational level the result shows the more positive the organizational identity, image, or reputation is, the better the organization’s outcome. Certain organizational outcomes achieve the best for organizations being favorably congruent, second best for being incongruent, and worst for being unfavorably congruent, in identity-image, identity-reputation, and image-reputation comparisons. Moreover, Chinese organizations in which other orientation is emphasized show better outcome with more positive organizational image than organizations with more positive identity.


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