  • 學位論文

爪哇粗針蟻 (膜翅目:蟻科) 的喜蟻動物研究

Myrmecophiles of Pachycondyla javana (Mayr) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)

指導教授 : 吳文哲


喜蟻動物 (myrmecophile) 泛指與螞蟻有親疏不等共棲關係的生物,在過去少有國人從事相關研究。隸屬於台灣產螞蟻第三大優勢類群的針蟻亞科 (Ponerinae) 中的爪哇粗針蟻 (Pachycondyla javana (Mayr)) ,為一廣泛分佈的土棲性捕食者,本研究以野外採集方式,調查爪哇粗針蟻有共棲關係的動物,並進一步探討其共棲機制。至目前為止,調查發現爪哇粗針蟻的共棲動物皆為鞘翅目昆蟲,共有10個形態種 (morphospecies)。其中豐富度最高者為Batrisini族的蟻塚蟲,其餘還包括Awas shunichii Nomura等大型蟻塚蟲、隱翅蟲、步行蟲等。為探討這些共棲昆蟲是否具有與宿主螞蟻相似的群體氣味 (colony odor),使用氣相色層分析法分析螞蟻與共棲昆蟲之表皮碳氫化合物 (cuticular hydrocarbons, HCs) 的結構差異,結果顯示兩者之間的HCs相似度低,顯著成分也不同;另外在行為觀察中發現蟻塚蟲Batristilbus sp.會迴避爪哇粗針蟻的個體,有時還會有遭受攻擊的情形。根據以上結果推測,這些蟻塚蟲類與螞蟻之間並無社會性接觸,也不存在化學擬態的現象,故應為兼性客蟲 (facultative synoeketes) 類型的共棲昆蟲。


Myrmecophile means the organism symbiotic with ants of which depends on diverse degrees of relationship. There were quite few studies on this topic in Taiwan. Pachycondyla javana (Mayr), which belongs to the third dominant ant subfamily Ponerinae, is a widely distributed and soil-habitated predator in Taiwan. This research surveyed the myrmecophiles of P. javana by field collections and then discussed with the mechanisms. Until now there are 10 coleopteran species were found relative to P. javana. Pselaphine beetles which belong to tribe Batrisini are at most in richness, and the others are larger pselaphids such as Awas shunichii Nomura, or staphylinids and carabids. In order to discriminate the colony odors between the ants and their myrmecophiles, cuticular hydrocarbons (HCs) from both insects were analyzed by gas chromatography (GC). The results showed that their HCs are not similar and have different significant compounds. The behavioral experiments showed the Batristilbus pselaphids tended to avoid contact with the workers, and some times the beetles even under attack. These suggest that the further interactions with the hosts and chemical mimicry of the beetles are absent, so that these pselaphids should be regarded as facultative synoeketes.


myrmecophile Pachycondyla javana


