  • 學位論文


The Operations of Conscious and Unconscious Memory: Evidence from Different Repetition Effects in Different Implicit Tests

指導教授 : 鄭昭明


本論文目的是在探索意識與無意識記憶的運作機制。本論文在記憶實驗的練習階段操弄LoP與聯想(associate),觀察此兩變項的操弄所產生的練習情況(淺層處理、深層處理與聯想)對三種不同隱示測驗[實驗一的字幹填充測驗(word-stem completion test)、實驗二的字詞語意聯想測驗(word-association test)以及實驗三的字詞辨識測驗(word-identification test)]裡意識與無意識記憶的促發效果。每一測驗的意識與無意識記憶由PTD程序估計。結果顯示,LoP和聯想對不同測驗的意識記憶估計值皆產生正性效果,此結果是由於淺層、深層和聯想對不同測驗的意識記憶估計值產生重複促發效果,唯一的例外是,淺層對字詞語意聯想測驗的意識記憶估計值不具重複促發效果。結果亦顯示,LoP對字幹填充和字詞語意聯想測驗的無意識記憶估計值不具效果,但對字詞辨識測驗的無意識記憶估計值產生了逆轉效果,聯想處理對字詞語意聯想測驗的無意識記憶估計值不具效果,但對字幹填充和字詞辨識測驗的無意識記憶估計值產生了逆轉效果。這些結果是由於淺層、深層和聯想對不同測驗的無意識記憶估計值產生不同的重複效果。以上本論文的結果以一個記憶的雙歷程理論予以解釋。


Conscious and unconscious forms of memory were explored in implicit tests of word-stem completion, word association, and word-identification by examining how the two forms of memory within each test, estimated by a post-test dissociation procedure, were influenced by repetition effects involved in the manipulations of level-of-processing (LoP) and association at study. Results show that LoP and association produced positive effects, associated with different repetition effects following shallow processing in different tests, on estimates of conscious memory. On the other hand, LoP and association produced different effects on estimates of unconscious memory in different tests, accompanied by a repetition-inhibition effect following deep and association conditions in the word-identification test. The results of the present study are discussed with a two-process approach to conscious and unconscious memories.


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